Friday, March 26, 2010

The best part of waking up... is not to a flooded bathroom.

Sooo, I decided to blog. We are moving what seems like a zillion miles away from family and I felt like this would be a great way to A. document the move B.Let family see and read up on whats going on, and C. Vent. It's not that I don't want to move, actually, anything is better than where we are living right now. When we were in Colorado I felt pretty proud of our 650 sq.ft. apartment and would clean and declutter it often. Now, I hate the 300 sq. ft. apartment we live in and tend to be a bit lazy when it comes to cleaning it. Oh, don't get me wrong, I will look back a probably smile a little and laugh, and it has been a great experience. We have awesome landlords, a great ward, and are close to campus and family so those have been great blessings BUTTTTTTTTT it is way too small, it's dark, and the toilet floods at least every two months and if it's not the toilet it's the fridge smelling like vomit and old man breath.
Take this morning, Kevin gets out of bed and I hear "UGGGGHHHHHH." He didn't even have to tell me, I knew in my heart of hearts that the bathroom floor was covered in toilet water. I knew it! So we mop it up and text our landlords. Needless to say I was so disgusted by it that it was hard to eat breakfast, and I felt contaminated all day. I must have washed my hands a million times. Did I mention that I left my makeup bag on the floor? Oh yeah, I left my makeup bag on the floor and so now I must buy new makeup. We tried our best to clean up but since he had school and I had work we had to leave it job half done.
Okay, so I get to work, enjoy the free use of a working bathroom there and then come home to find that the problem was not our toilet but the pipes altogether. The laundry room flooded into our bathroom. LAME. I realize now that wherever we go in Texas will be a luxurious place because we probably won't have to deal with old pipes that flood every two months because of root problems and what have you. Song of the day to all you with working plumbing, "Count your many Blessings."


  1. dang it all! and you didn't even mention that your makeup all got ruined. sicko. well...on the bright side, at least now we can be blog buddies! :) thanks for making me realize that i should count my blessings today because i can flush my toilet. hallelujah!!

  2. Yay for your blog....not so much yay for your bathroom...or your makeup...
    I love seeing pictures of you and your'll have to check out our blog too!
